A housing package for Western Sydney will offer incentive payments to local councils to deliver housing supply in the right locations.
The Federal Government, NSW Government and eight local councils will be working together through the Western Sydney City Deal to reform planning laws to speed up supply of housing.
Treasurer Scott Morrison and Assistant Cities Minister Angus Taylor visited Macarthur Railway Station this morning to see first-hand the opportunities for housing near train stations and transit hubs.
Mr Morrison said a dedicated Western Sydney housing package would help deliver housing supply.
“Local governments will develop strategies showing how they will reach agreed housing supply targets,’’ he said.
“Incentive payments will be tied to the delivery of these ambitious local planning reforms under the Western Sydney City Deal.”
Over the next 20 years, about 185,000 homes will be needed in the west and south west districts of Sydney alone, to keep up with the growing population and take pressure off house prices.
The government has committed up to $5.3 billion to build the first stage of Western Sydney Airport, which presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for jobs and long term growth in Western Sydney.
Mr Taylor, whose electorate of Hume takes in a big chunk of the Macarthur region, said housing in the right locations was critical to supporting an emerging Western City CBD.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“It is well known that homes next to transit hubs, with easy access to public transport, are desirable assets, particularly for the young and the elderly,’’ he said.[/social_quote]
“The Western Sydney City Deal will drive housing development and industry in the region surrounding the new Western Sydney Airport, to stimulate creation of jobs close to homes and improve transport options.”
Details of the Western Sydney Housing Package will be announced when the City Deal is finalised toward the end of 2017.
In addition, the Government will establish a $1 billion National Housing Infrastructure Facility to put downward pressure on rising house prices.
The Facility will provide $1 billion over five years to support local governments to finance critical infrastructure needed to speed up the supply of new housing such as transport links, power and water infrastructure and site remediation works.
The Facility will help councils to access concessional loans, equity investments and grants.

Macarthur needs jobs not just houses.
This announcement is focused on expanding housing within Campbelltown and Camden LGAs. The Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan has no Employment Area in Campbelltown and only a small, far in the future expansion of Employment Lands adjacent to a future second runway.
The funding figures appear to be misleading, whilst talking of 8 local government areas early in the article, the $1B National Housing Infrastructure Facility appears to be just that, a National Facility. No mention of the funding amount for the five local government areas!