Young people across Campbelltown have taken the “sustain your selfie” pledge to help the envionment.
The “sustain your selfie’’ initiative was launched at this year’s Fisher’s Gig.
Run by the Campbelltown Youth Network, with the support of council, “sustain your selfie’’ encouraged young people to think about the simple things they could do on a daily basis to reduce their environmental impact.
Interesting facts on environmentally damaging behaviours relevant to young people were provided, with the hope that young people would be inspired to change their behaviours.
Participants documented their environmental promise by having their photo taken, with their written pledge displayed for all to see.
Overall, 238 pledges were made, many of which were posted on the Campbelltown Council Youth Facebook page and the Campbelltown Youth Network Instagram page.
Pledges included turning off mobile phone chargers as soon as the phone is charged, using environmentally friendly products, and promoting sustainable behaviours through social media.
All of these pledges have the potential to positively impact our environment and the world we live in.
Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr Paul Hawker, congratulated the young people of Campbelltown on their environmental awareness and willingness to participate in local environmental initiatives.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“While it will be difficult to monitor pledges kept or broken, we do know that the social media traffic was impressive, with Facebook posts reaching more than 7,000 followers,” Cr Hawker said.[/social_quote]
“Council has implemented a number of sustainable practices to reduce our impact on the environment, including how we organise community events, and this is one more example of how easy it is to raise community awareness about sustainability,” Cr Hawker added.
The Campbelltown Youth Network (CYN) is an informal group of young people aged between 12 and 25 that work collaboratively with council to develop and implement youth projects under the direction of the Campbelltown Youth Strategy 2013 to 2017 and the Campbelltown Community Strategic Plan 2013 to 2023.
CYN also act as a consultative group that provide information and feedback to council about youth issues, including ideas and initiatives that are relevant to young people who live, work or study in the Campbelltown LGA.
CYN work directly with Council’s Strategic Youth Development Officer on regular short term projects.
To find out what council is doing to become more sustainable, visit its sustainability website.