Western Sydney airport: we just want fair go, says WSROC

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Airport on the way: Western Sydney councils say they just want a fair go for their residents.

At its last board meeting for the year, the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC) resolved its official position on the proposed Western Sydney Airport.

WSROC president, Liverpool Councillor Tony Hadchiti, said: “There are a range of views amongst WSROC’s 10 member councils, but all agree that a Western Sydney airport must offer a more equal spread of opportunity and burden than is currently presented in the draft EIS.”

The WSROC Board resolved that the Western Sydney Airport must:

be supported by state of the art infrastructure and public transport from the outset of airport operations. Most specifically a heavy rail link connecting to the main western Line;

operate under the same curfews as Kingsford Smith Airport – whether day time only or 24 hours;

be supported by stringent environmental controls including protection of the UNESCO listed Greater World Heritage Area; and

ensure equitable outcomes for all WSROC residents by designing flight paths that limit the noise exposure of any single community.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Rail is essential to ensure the employment lands around this airport attract the level of investment and jobs growth the government desires,” he said.[/social_quote]

“Rail is also a no brainer from a commuter perspective. Whether entering the precinct for employment or travel, we need to offer travellers fast, no fuss connections to the rest of the city,” he said.

“There are already well over half a million people living in the areas surrounding Badgerys Creek.

“Even without an airport, rail should be a priority for this region,” he said.

“The WSROC board also resolved to support the case for equal curfew restrictions at both Western Sydney and Kingsford Smith Airport,” said the WSROC president.

“We have no idea where flight paths will fall or which communities will be affected because the draft EIS doesn’t tell us this,” he said.

Cr Tony Hadchiti
Cr Tony Hadchiti

“The indicative flight paths affect Blaxland and Springwood in the Blue Mountains, but these are only ‘proof of concept’. The final design could just as easily hit Strathfield, Kellyville or Carlingford; all of which are a similar distance from Badgerys Creek,” he said.

“Without any assurances for the protection of residents WSROC will call on the government to offer equal protection for all people living in the Sydney basin,” Cr Hadchiti said.

In addition to curfew protections, WSROC would also like to see noise sharing targets similar to those at Kingsford Smith Airport.

“This will ensure that the brunt of the noise impact is equally shared across the region,” he said.

“The indicative flight paths provided by the government place unnecessary noise burden on Blaxland and Penrith, with every single flight landing over these areas,” he said.

“Finally, WSROC has called for a greater level of protection for the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

“Current claims by the Australian Government that noise levels in the Blue Mountains will be acceptable just doesn’t cut it,” he said.

“The government’s own calculations show noise levels reaching 60-70 decibels. This may be acceptable for an urban area, but The Blue Mountains is not Martin Place or even Parramatta,” Cr Hadchiti said.

“The value of the UNESCO listed Greater World Heritage Area relies on its serene quiet and natural soundscapes. We need to ensure this natural asset, that powers a significant tourism economy, is properly protected,” he said.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Many of WSROC’s member councils see the great potential in the Western Sydney Airport, but the checks and balances need to be in place to ensure that both the burdens and opportunities are equally distributed.’’[/social_quote]

1 thought on “Western Sydney airport: we just want fair go, says WSROC”

  1. Its good to see we are approaching this opportunity with cool heads Eric. Its a fantastic asset for Western Sydney and yes it needs to tread as lightly as it can on the environment and when you start with a big white sheet of paper, there will really be no excuse for us in generations to come for getting it anything but right for everyone.


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