Improved lighting will be installed in the vicinity of CCTV cameras in shopping precincts to ensure they are a fully effective deterrent to crime and anti social behaviour.
Campbelltown City Council has begun installation of a number of closed circuit TV (CCTV) street cameras within the Campbelltown and Ingleburn central business districts.
The aim is to improve community safety in and around shopping areas.
The cameras will be located within the Campbelltown CBD, in the precinct between Broughton and Allman Streets.
In Ingleburn, CCTV cameras will be installed in the precinct between Cumberland and Ingleburn Roads, and will monitor the main street, with limited vision into side streets.
The cameras will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will capture footage that, if requested, can be provided to NSW Police to assist with investigations.
The Federal Member for Macarthur, Russell Matheson, supported Campbelltown Council’s application for a $350,000 Safer Streets grant from the Federal Government, which funded the installation.
The commissioning of the street safety camera systems in both locations will begin in late December.
Lighting within the Ingleburn and Campbelltown CBDs is also being reviewed, with the installation of LED lighting being considered in an effort to improve the ambiance and general amenity of the main street areas.
Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr Paul Hawker, said council was committed to working with residents, businesses and local police to build a strong and safe community.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The cameras are a preventative measure to help reduce anti social behavior, and will also have a positive impact on local businesses,” Cr Hawker said.[/social_quote]
“The additional security provided by the CCTV cameras and lighting will be of significant value to the community – both in improving public safety and enhancing the public’s perception of the Queen Street and Oxford Road precincts,’’ the mayor said.
For more information on council’s public safety initiatives, visit the community safety program website.