Approaching the end of the year can be stressful, says psychologist Margaret Lambert, so we need to find ways to chill out.
Work deadlines, functions to attend, pre-Christmas catch-ups and preparation for Christmas, holiday arrangements, and keeping some of our regular routines going, means that there is a constant flow of planning and activity which can leave us feeling quite frazzled.
Even doing the regular shopping at this time of year can be more frantic as chaos seems to reign with all of the external commotion that sends us into sensory overload.
It is well documented that chronic stress is one of the greatest contributors to ill health, so it’s important to find ways to keep your stress levels under control especially at this time of year.
With so much crammed into the end of year, it is easy for us to be on a roll, ticking things off the list, with our stress levels hovering in the red zone.
When we continue to charge ahead like this, we may not even realise the stress that may be building up, until it gets to the point where we experience some symptoms: perhaps headaches or other body pain; sleep problems; anger outbursts or some other indicators.
It is easy when we are on the treadmill to forget paying attention to ourselves, and the fact that we need down time on a regular basis where we can just chill out.
This time of year is when we need to be more mindful of self-care.
Doing something each day that relaxes your body and mind is essential in maintaining and improving your health and wellbeing levels.
Find the methods that work for you and make sure that you make time for self-care, even in your busy schedule.
Some forms of relaxation are listed below:
• Meditation
• Music
• Bubble bath
• Religion
• Nature
• Reading for fun
• Yoga
• Breathing
• Exercise
• Chi gung
• Walking the dogs
• EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, or Tapping. Find more about this simple technique on my website, listed at the end of the column)
Don’t let the end of year frenzy catch you out. It is possible to maintain an inner calm amidst chaos, but only if we take the time to nurture ourselves on a regular basis.
We can avoid taking on board the end of year stress by making time for self-care.
♦ Contact Margaret Lambert:
P: 8945 9588; mob: 0414 459 585 or visit her website.