White Ribbon Day sends a powerful message

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White Ribbon Day
Stop the violence against women: White Ribbon Day is this Wednesday, November 25.

This year as part of the annual White Ribbon Day men in Campbelltown are being encouraged to support the white ribbon convoy and stand united in campaigning for an end to violence against women.

The Campbelltown White Ribbon Men’s Group, which was recently formed from a branch of the Campbelltown Domestic Violence Committee, is motivating men to be a part of the social change through a range of measures involving education, awareness raising and partnerships with the local community.

The White Ribbon Convoy has been created to drive the awareness campaign on White Ribbon Day, which is held nationally on November 25.

This year the convoy will start at Ingleburn with a White Ribbon Community Breakfast, then travel to Minto Marketplace, Claymore Community Centre, Rosemeadow Marketplace and Mawson Park in Campbelltown for a lunch time barbecue.

Each location will offer a variety of activities, giveaways or entertainment for the community to participate in.

Along the way, the group will also carry with them large pieces of a timber White Ribbon model, encouraging community members to write pledges of support on each section, before it is assembled for display at Mawson Park to signify the end of the convoy.

The White Ribbon campaign is about recognising the positive role that men play in preventing physical and psychological violence against women.

Alarmingly, over the course of a year, one woman is killed every week as a result of intimate partner violence in Australia, and the victims are not merely statistics – they are wives, sisters, mothers, daughters and friends.

Organisers of the White Ribbon Convoy say “good men cannot – and will not – sit on the sidelines while those they love are at risk of harm”.

For more information on the White Ribbon Convoy initiative to be held this Wednesday, November 25, email communitysafety@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au or phone Bruce McCausland on 4645 4578.


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