Jobs boost: green light for giant $242m industrial hub

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A $242 million warehouse and distribution hub between Western Sydney Airport and Liverpool which has just received the green light from the state government will create 700 construction jobs.

Once complete, the Kemps Creek warehouse, logistics and industrial facilities hub will provide 950 more jobs, with most expected to go to local residents.

This approval will allow for the construction of eight buildings as well as earthworks to be carried out and infrastructure built across the entire hub.

The development of the rest of the hub will be subject to future development applications.

Construction is expected to begin this year and will be undertaken in stages with the first building to be completed within 12 months.

Planning and public spaces minister Rob Stokes said the new hub will help combat the economic impacts of Covid-19 by delivering investment and new job opportunities.

“This development will create 700 construction jobs and 950 operational jobs while injecting $242 million into the Western Sydney economy,” Mr Stokes said.

“The approval means we can get shovels in the ground faster. This government is committed to fast-tracking planning assessments to help stimulate the economy during the pandemic.”

The development is a joint venture between Frasers Property Partners and Altis Bulky Retail.

The hub will include major global retailers, e-commerce providers, health and pharmaceutical industries, warehousing and logistics operators, light manufacturing and data centres.

Jobs, investment, tourism and western sydney minister Stuart Ayres said the investment was a vote of confidence in the future Aerotropolis.

“Creating jobs and boosting business is a priority for the NSW Government and this hub means work for hundreds of people, during both construction and when the warehouse becomes operational,” Mr Ayres said.

“This is just another example proving that Covid-19 won’t stop NSW from growing stronger, and the hub also supports our plan to foster new sources of growth, jobs and investment in Western Sydney.”

State member for Mulgoa Tanya Davies said that the development will contribute to Western Sydney’s growing employment force and benefit from its prime location close to the Western Sydney Airport.

“Western Sydney is establishing itself as a strong industrial and employment growth area. The construction of a new warehouse and logistics hub is going to substantially add to this growing reputation and attract more investment that will benefit our western Sydney community,” Mrs Davies said.

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