Every member of Bunbury Girl Guide Trefoil Guild received a “years of service’’ award at the 2017 presentation.
But two members were singled out for special mention for their combined 90 years of service to the Guides: Ruth Hunter and Ena Marshall.
Mrs Hunter received her award for 55 years of service to Girl Guides.
During that period her roles have included NSW State Brownie advisor, serving on the executive of Girl Guides NSW and ad a certified trainer guide for 30 years.
Mrs Hunter was also Girl Guides NSW Gumnut guide advisor, member of NSW state awards and appointments committee and holiday program advisor for Girl Guides NSW and ACT.
She was also Bunbury division leader for the Macarthur region, Cumberland Plains regional secretary, member of organising committees for numerous jamborees and musters for Girl Guides NSW and a member of outdoors activities sub committees.
Mrs Ena Marshall was presented with an award for 35 years of service to Girl Guides.
Her roles over that period have included Girl Guide leader, Gumnut Guide leader, a member of the PR State committee for 10 years and the State Gumnut Guide committee.
The Trefoil Guild is an adult section of Girl Guides and their mission is to empower girls and young women to grow into confident, self respecting and responsible community members.
Bunbury Trefoil Guild is one of 44 across NSW and the ACT; there are guilds in all Australian states.
The Guild supports Girl Guides in Campbelltown, Ruse and Ingleburn through financial assistance towards camps and other activities, as well as equipment.
During 2017 the Bunbury members raised funds by selling Girl Guide biscuits.
They have also been collecting items to support Days For Girls, a world wide Rotary project.
Trefoil guilds also support their local hospitals and provide nursing home visits and equipment.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“We have also joined with other guilds’ members for outings for fellowship and friendship this year,’’ says Bunbury Guild secretary Jenny Rombi.[/social_quote]
“Our members helped at the Girl Guides state event Science in the Garden in April at the Australian Botanical Garden at Mt Annan.
“Guides and leaders from all over the state travelled and camped at the Gardens,’’ Mrs Rombi said.
If you are interested in fun and friendship and helping your community, Bunbury Girl Guide Trefoil Guild is for you.
• Contact Mrs Jenny Rombi by phoning 4626 7911 or via email at astronaut@tpg.com.au