Wollondilly to pour millions into fixing roads smashed by heavy rain

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Wollondilly Council has been working around the clock to fix local roads damaged during the recent floods in the shire.

At last night’s council meeting it boosted that effort by approving an additional $5.2 million for road repair over the next four months.

Council had already budgeted $18m for road works, so the extra $5.2m will go towards addressing the recent damage.

Works will include minor and major patching, as well as major reconstruction to make roads usable and address the longer term impacts on affected sections of the network.

 “The Shire took a battering during the storms in March,’’ says Wollondilly mayor Robert Khan.

“Council staff worked hard during and after the event to respond to the immediate impacts such as clearing debris from roads, monitoring water levels at bridges, safety road repairs and managing road closures.

“Wollondilly has endured four natural disasters since 2016, which have had a significant impact on our people as well as our road network, which is suffering after this latest beating.

“We’ve been working around the clock on immediate repairs and will be pulling out all stops to get these repairs and major reconstruction works done fast,” he said.

The mayor said council was also planning on investing heavily in 2021/22 in an updated road repair program to improve the highest priority roads for the community.

“A key priority is that the NSW Government work with council and take on responsibility for management of our main roads like Remembrance Driveway, Silverdale Road and Menangle Road as well as building the Picton Bypass.”

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