Students and teachers at Wilton Public School are returning to new and improved learning facilities this week, with the upgrade of the popular primary school now complete in time for the start of Term 4.
There are 22 new teaching spaces, two of which are support units. This increases the total number of permanent teaching spaces from 16 to 38.
Students and parents will also note that all demountables have now been removed from the school site.
The project also included upgrades and extensions to the administration building, library, canteen and school hall, with a new covered outdoor learning area and 20 extra parking spaces.
Local MP Judy Hannan has welcomed the completion of the work and the improvements that have come with it.
“It is wonderful to see this much needed upgrade to Wilton Public School now complete,’’ the Independent MP said.
“It is a great environment for students and teachers alike to unlock their full potential.
“This significant achievement marks a pivotal moment in providing an exceptional educational experience for children in the Wollondilly community.
“We are excited to see Wilton’s students and teachers return to this outstanding school facility today, where they can continue to learn, grow, and thrive.’’
Ms Hannan said that providing students and teachers at Wilton Public School with these improved learning facilities supports a growing local community.
“The school has been transformed into a cutting edge educational centre,’’ she said.
“It’s about putting children into permanent classrooms and giving educators a stable future.’’