Winning the annual Wests Group Macarthur volunteer of the year awards is no mean feat.
There are actually two awards up for grabs, one for a volunteer under the age of 21 and one for those aged 21 and over.
Nominations are open to 30 member clubs and associations supported by Wests Sports Council.
It’s also worth noting that these clubs and associations deliver local sport to Macarthur via a network representing more than 35,000 athletes, administrators, and volunteers.
Each service nominee is recognised with a service pin, certificate, and gift from Wests with the total list of recipients cumulatively representing around 135 decades of service to sport in the region.
This year, more than 100 nominations were received for the various levels of service, from 10 years up to 40 years of volunteering.
Out of all those nominations, two stood out on Saturday night at the glittering awards dinner in the auditorium of Wests Leagues Leumeah: Cody Sainsbury and Fred Furner.

Cody was the winner of the 2023 youth volunteer of the year award for his service to Macarthur Football Association.
Mr Furner took out the adult volunteer of the year for his service to Macarthur BMX Club.
Cody is one of the youngest coaches to complete the C licence coaching certificate and has held roles as an assistant coach of the Under 11s, under 12s and under 13 teams.
As well as coaching, this young man helps with the coordination and delivery of club functions and manages the match day video system and other duties.
He has been a member of the Macarthur Football Association representative teams since 2018.
“I just wanted to help out, and the best part of being a leader and volunteer is having the kids you are helping do what you ask them to do,’’ he said while accepting his award.
Senior volunteer of the year Fred Furner first became a member of Macarthur BMX in 2010 when his son took up the sport.

He took on a more official volunteering role in 2014, when he joined the board, becoming president in 2017, a role he still holds today.
Mr Furner can be found at the BMX track every afternoon helping to keep the operation of the club going, from setting up the track for coaching or race days, cooking up a storm on the barbecue or just checking bikes.
He also volunteers his time travelling the country at both state and national BMX events as a track official.
Up on stage to accept his award, he said: “What a great honour to be recognised as the 2023 Wests Sports adult volunteer of the year.
“Thank you to past and present committee members for making my job easy, a great bunch of people who also go above and beyond for Macarthur BMX Club and the sport.
“A huge thank you to Wests Group Macarthur, the recognition is greatly appreciated, and we appreciate the awesome evening you put on for us all.’’
As a long-time supporter and sponsor of sport in the region, Wests Group Macarthur funds and hosts the annual awards dinner to acknowledge and celebrate the enormous contribution of time and effort of local sporting volunteers.
The event is timed to coincide during National Volunteer Week.
“Wests wants to acknowledge the incredible volunteers who are vital to the successful running of a community sports club. We know sporting organisations would not be able to run without these selfless and passionate people who give their time willingly to fill critical roles on and off the field each week,’’ said Alan Buxton, chairman of Wests Group Macarthur.
The 2023 awards dinner was hosted by sports broadcaster and proud Camden local Jimmy Smith, a former NRL player with Wests, Roosters and Souths.
Smith interviewed former NRL player Greg Inglis, who now lives in South West Sydney, and 16 year old junior Matildas player Tegan Bertolissio, who also plays for the Macarthur Rams (pictured below).