Recognition for volunteer heroes who rescue animals

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Volunteer heroes come in all shapes and sizes and in some cases it’s not always about helping fellow humans in distress.

There are those among us who are just as heroic, but are dedicated to making the lives of domestic animals such as cats and dogs a little better.

They devote their time to rescuing and rehoming animals within their own community.

Some of them devote their entire lives being champions of the animal world.

None of them do it to win honours or recognition.

Ray Harrold from Labrador Rescue with Mayor Greiss. TOP: All the volunteers who attended the awards ceremony, with the Mayor, Cr Meg Oates (right) and Cr John Chew (fourth from left).

But it’s good that Campbelltown residents who dedicate their time and efforts to helping the animals in our community are acknowledged once a year at council’s Companion Animal Rescue and Rehoming awards.

The awards recognise residents from numerous volunteer and animal groups who share on thing in common: taking care of animals who need help.

The 2024 Companion Animal Rescue and Rehoming awards were held recently.

Mayor Dr George Greiss presented award certificates to this year’s winners, honouring their contribution to bettering the lives of animals.

“Campbelltown is fortunate to have many community members who are passionate about the safety and wellbeing of animals across our city,” Mayor George Greiss said.

“It was wonderful to have the opportunity to acknowledge the individuals who were present yesterday, and those not in attendance, for their hard work in assisting with rescuing and rehoming animals in need,” Dr Greiss said.

The award recipients included Silvina Tolli from the RSPCA.

Lisa Riordan, Ludovic Barbier, Lala Giles, Deanne Doyle and Lesley Woodland from Community Helping Campbelltown Cats/ TNR Project Compassion also received awards.

As did Pat Harrold and Ray Harrold from Labrador Rescue Inc and Megan Rogers and Craig Warton from Hills Cat Rescue.

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