Sustainable Australia Party names election candidate

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Sustainable Australia Party has endorsed local resident Cameron McEwan as its lead candidate for the council election in Campbelltown on September 14.

The party says that in an area “overwhelmed by overdevelopment and sprawl’’ the election of its candidate would bring a breath of fresh air into Campbelltown City Council and help address the rapid development in the area.

“We need to address the housing crisis in a more sustainable manner,’’ says the candidate himself.

“There are ways to do this without cutting down much of our bushland.

“Endless sprawl isn’t the solution and just creates more infrastructure and environmental problems that we and future generations will have to deal with.

“We can’t afford to be short-sighted about our environment and quality of life,’’ he said.

Mr McEwan who is in his late 20s and lives locally with his wife, says being an active member of Campbelltown Joggers gives him a unique perspective.

“As an avid runner who loves to explore new places, I see close-up so much of the local area including some parts that need attention.

“For example, neglected parks and streams filled with rubbish, and footpaths that don’t connect up and end in the middle of nowhere.

“This poor path planning means that locals can’t access facilities they might otherwise wish to use.

“If elected in September, I will strive to fix these, while also addressing the big picture issues like protecting our environment and creating more transparent planning systems to reign in the unsustainable overdevelopment and providing the infrastructure and services that our community desperately needs.

“With care and careful planning, Campbelltown has a bright future ahead of it and I want to actively support that,” he said.

Sustainable Australia Party hasn’t finalised the group of eight candidates that is required to put the party name on the ballot paper with a box above the line.

Cameron McEwan welcomes interested Campbelltown residents to email him at

“If you’re a Campbelltown local, passionate about our environment and quality of life, and want to assist, please contact me about our Cam for Campbelltown campaign,’’ he says.

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