Work will start soon to repair long term damage to an embankment on Remembrance Driveway, Razorback, paving the way of the opening up of the second southbound lane to traffic near the top of the mountain.
The project includes the restoration of the historic rockfall site which led to closure of the lane in 2010.
The work on Remembrance Driveway will consist of embankment regrading, drainage improvement, geotechnical stabilisation, and the installation of rock bolts and rock fall mesh.
Engineers will investigate the condition of the road, and depending on the outcome this will open the way for the removal of the concrete barriers.
Once the work is completed, it should strengthen the embankment to lessen the likelihood of further damage in the future.
It is estimated that the project should take about six months to complete.
Wollondilly Council is also investigating options to address the landslip on the Camden side of Razorback near the Finns Road roundabout, with a view to reopening the climbing lane and removing the barriers in future.
The Remembrance Driveway project is part of this term of council’s efforts to address a backlog of remediation works in the Wollondilly Shire.
“I’m delighted that we can finally see the Remembrance Driveway, Razorback landslip and rockfall repaired, which will allow for the concrete barriers to be removed,’’ says Mayor Matt Gould.
Wollondilly suffered significant damage during the flooding events of the last few years including Barkers Lodge Road at Picton, Cobbitty Bridge, Old Razorback Road, Razorback and Big Hill Road, The Oaks.
“It’s great to see we are making progress on fixing these landslips, with these roads now repaired and open to traffic once more,” Mayor Gould said.
The Razorback project is co-funded by the NSW disaster recovery fund as part of a bulk grant for damage caused to roads in the severe weather and flooding of February 2022.