CWWN welcome plans for social housing in Camden

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Plans to build affordable homes on land adjacent to the old Camden Nurses’ Quarters building on Menangle Road, Camden, opposite Camden Hospital have been welcomed by Camden Wollondilly Wingecarribee Network (CWWN).

Some of the units will be set aside for people escaping domestic violence.

CWWN say they have been advocating for a socially responsible use of this property for more than two years.

In light of the shortage of emergency accommodation in Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee, CWWN originally proposed a refurbishment of the unused Nurses’ Quarters building (pictured above) for use as emergency accommodation for people at risk of homelessness.

CWWN had been advocating at State level for access to the site by Housing All Australians, who after a positive site assessment, would have refurbished the building using pro-bono services provided by businesses.

A lease on the property would have allowed a local community housing provider to manage the building as emergency accommodation on a ‘meanwhile use’ basis, (3 to 5 years) recognising that NSW Health may have plans for longer term use of the property.

While the original proposal has not come to fruition, CWWN co-chairs Catherine Stuart and Heather Loomes said they were pleased with the outcome and feel that their lobbying brought the underutilisation of the site to the attention of State Government.

In recent correspondence, Ryan Park, State Minister for Health, advised CWWN that the site opposite Camden Hospital would be considered under the NSW Government Property and Land Audit to assess health sites for social and affordable housing.

“The building known as the old Camden Nurses’ Quarters has been of great concern to many Camden residents over its decades of disuse and the subject of previous community actions,’’ Ms Stuart said.

“It would be important to the local community to see the Nurses Quarters building itself redeveloped into a centre for wrap- around services to support those who are housed here.”

CWWN say this is a small step towards meeting the need for more social and affordable housing in Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee, and its members will continue to advocate for this at all levels of government.

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