Not one but two centenarians at Whiddon’s Easton Park aged care facility at Glenfield celebrated their birthdays in April.
Joan Kingston turned 100 on April 6, while the day before Patricia Spring turned 101.
She has been a resident at Whiddon Easton Park since July 2017.
She has two children, a daughter and a son, 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren, all sharing a very close bond!
Born and raised in Australia, Joan worked as a book binder and at Woolworths and Coles once she was married.
What is Joan’s secret to a long and happy life? “Always smile, be happy and do good. Don’t be cranky with people.’’
Patricia Spring moved to Whiddon Easton Park in November 2022.
At 101, she reflects on the best day of her life as her wedding day in 1948 – followed closely by the best decade of her life as that of raising her three children born in 1949, 1951 and 1953.
What gift did Patricia ask for on her 101st? Nothing, she admits she’s been very lucky in her life!
Patricia’s favourite hobbies at Whiddon, and ways she keeps active at 101, include knitting and crossword puzzles. She also delights watching the bird bath outside her window as birds frolic, splash, and drink each day!
Her words of wisdom to others,” “always listen to people”.
Patricia and Joan’s birthday celebrations were not only attended by friends and family but also Whiddon CEO, Chris Mamarelis, who is pictured (top) with Joan Kingston.