Camden Council will celebrate National Tree Day 2024 by planting 3000 native species this Sunday, July 28.
The planting is a collaboration between council, Sydney Water and Downer BMD Joint Venture and supports offset vegetation clearing required for the West Camden Water Recycling Plant upgrade.
Council identified an area within Spring Farm for restoration that will further increase the native tree canopy, provide habitats for wildlife and extend the existing bushland corridor and connectivity between Gundungurra and Spring Farm bushland reserves.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, said events like this Sunday’s are crucial to keeping the Camden area happy and healthy.
“Residents can look forward to seeing the range of plants that are part of Cumberland shale plains woodland, which is identified as a critically endangered ecological community,” she said.
“Let’s get our hands in the soil for the future of Camden’s biodiversity.
“Join us this Sunday for a great day of giving back and spreading the greenery.”
The family friendly event will run from 9am to noon at Spring Farm Reserve on Holland Drive, Spring Farm. Parking is available along Holland and Dewpoint Drive.
Community information stalls, Sydney Water’s Wonder of Water van, a barbecue lunch as well as all planting equipment will be provided.
Register to participate on the Planet Ark National Tree Day website at https://treeday.planetark.org/site/10029805.
Mayor Ashleigh Cagney (left) with representatives from Sydney Water, Downer BMD Joint Venture and Camden Council.