Planning for the Picton Road upgrade is progressing well, as the western section of the upgrade receives planning approval, and the submissions report is published.
The upgrade has been divided into three sections, western, central and eastern, with the NSW Government committing $44 million and the Australian Government committing $80.7 million to project planning.
In February and March, members of the public were invited to comment on the review of environmental factors for the western section of the Picton Road upgrade between Nepean River and Almond Street in Wilton, including the M31 Hume Motorway interchange.
One hundred and three submissions were received, including 89 from the community, one from Wollondilly Shire Council, three from NSW Government agencies, nine from businesses and one from a utility service provider.
The big response has been welcomed by the Member for Wollondilly, Judy Hannan, who has been pushing hard for the Picton Road upgrade for several years.
“I am pleased that feedback received has led to important design improvements that will result in better outcomes for the local area,’’ Ms Hannan said.
“After a contract is awarded for the central and eastern sections early next year, motorists and the local community will start to see increasing activity on the ground in the local area as investigations into the upgrade begin.’’
Most of the feedback supported the need for the project, with trends including requests to fast-track the project or deliver it as quickly as possible, and comments on the need for the upgrade to cater for current and increased future traffic.
In response to submissions and following further design development, a number of improvements to the review proposal were identified.
These include a channelised right turn at Almond Street as part of Stage 1 to retain all existing traffic movements, a U-turn facility west of Wilton Park Road and changes to drainage to minimise impacts to sensitive habitats.
Based on feedback, a second lane has been added to plans at the Hume Motorway northbound off ramp to Picton Road to enable more vehicles to pass through and limit queuing.
The next steps for the Picton Road upgrade between Nepean River and Almond Street, Wilton will include starting property acquisitions and progressing designs.
This section has received planning approval, however does not have funding for construction.
Progress is also being made on the central and eastern sections of the project, with Transport for NSW recently inviting tenders from shortlisted organisations for a contract for site investigations and development of upgrade options between Almond Street, Wilton and the M1 Princes Motorway.
The department expects to award this contract early in 2025.
Early site investigation work for the central and eastern sections to support ongoing planning work, including biodiversity and Aboriginal heritage assessments, has been occurring over the past two years and will continue through to 2025.