The day that all good doggies wag their tails for is returning in 2024. Dog owners are encouraged to come down to Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park with their furry friends on Sunday, May 5, 10am-2pm, for Paws in the Park.
The free event will include the popular two-kilometre dog walk, pet and general product stalls, the Pawtastic Parade, free health checks by Uni Vets Camden, activities and doggy demonstrations, roving entertainment, activities for kids and an inclusive space.
Here’s lots more, including two online components to celebrate the event, which include a pet photo competition – upload a photo to the Camden Council website for a chance to win.
Also, design a poster competition – create a poster describing responsible pet ownership and upload it to the council website for a chance to win.
Both online competitions opened on Monday (April 1) and will close at 5pm this Friday, 26 April.
Winners will be announced on Sunday, May 5.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, who is pictured above with a couple of cute canines, said she was excited to see the event return this year.
“I know from speaking with residents that Paws in the Park is one of the most anticipated events on council’s major event calendar,” she said.
“I’m excited to see everyone there. Keep an eye on our website and social media for some more exciting details to come.”
For more information on Paws in the Park, visit www.camden.nsw.gov.au/whats-on/annual-signatureevents/paws-in-the-park.