We are all doing it tough right now. Some are doing it harder than others, of course, but one way or another everyone in our community is affected by the harsh lockdown we find ourselves in.
But we have to find a way to survive, and most of all, stay positive, because better days are ahead – it’s just a matter of when, not if.
Talking of positivity, local community organisations Big Yellow Umbrella and Lifeline (Macarthur and Western Sydney), as well as many small local businesses, have joined forces to actually do something about it.
They are all sharing positive messages across the Camden district to help everyone get through this challenge.
A total of 28 large banners with positive messages of hope and togetherness will be displayed in prominent positions around the area.
“We appreciate how hard the impacts of the current Covid restrictions are affecting members of our local community,’’ said a spokesperson for the project.
“As we each face our own individual challenges in relation to the current Covid situation, it is now more important than ever to come together as a community, reach out, connect and support each other.
“Our aim is to help our community come together and support each other during these unprecedented times.’’
If you would like to be involved in this initiative you can purchase small signs, which are similar to real estate signs, to place out the front of your house or business.
Also, anyone who comes across the signs on social media is encouraged to share across their networks, to help reach as many people as possible.
For enquiries and further information visit https://shop.yellowumbrella.org.au/