Travelling on steam trains 100 years ago was a glamorous mode of transport. The golden era of steam was during the 1930s, and the Wollondilly mayor’s 2023 charity night will travel back in time to see what all the fuss was about.
On Saturday, June 24, Mayor Matt Gould will host A Journey to the Golden Thirties charity night in the Great Hall at the NSW Rail Museum in Thirlmere.
It should be a memorable night for those who attend, and at the same time raise money for a local charity.
This year the mayor’s charity is the Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee.
As well as the ambience in the rail museum’s great hall with its gleaming steam engine exhibits, the charity night will have much more for guests to enjoy.
As well as dinner, drinks and live entertainment, there will be raffles and auctions on offer from 6pm to 10pm.
“I’d love everyone to join me on June 24 for a fun night travelling back in time to the 1930s, when the steam locomotive was the way to travel in the days before it was replaced by electric and diesel power engines,’’ says Mayor Gould.
“Funds raised at the Mayor’s Charity Night will go towards the important work of the Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee, specifically supporting a project to reduce domestic violence within the Wollondilly Shire,” he said.
Local domestic violence committees are part of the NSW Strategy to Reduce Violence Against Women, which seeks to decrease violence against women through the promotion of collaborative partnerships between government agencies, non-government agencies and women’s groups and services.
The Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee raises understanding of the issues of domestic violence and its impact on women, children and the community.
It also provides a forum where all agencies delivering services to women and children experiencing domestic violence can come together to discuss issues of concern, and advocate to address these issues at a systemic level, in a respectful and professional manner.
Tickets for the Mayor’s charity night on Saturday, June 24, are $160 each, or $1,500 for a table of 10, available through Trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/CIBKZ
For further information about the event please contact Council’s Events Team on 4677 1100 or email events@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au