A planning proposal to ensure Wollondilly’s heritage places are properly identified, documented and managed so they are conserved for the enjoyment of current and future generations is on public exhibition.
The planning proposal has been shaped by the findings and recommendations of the shire wide heritage study, other relevant heritage studies, and previous community consultation.
“Council’s last heritage study was adopted in 1992, so after 30 years, the study and listings were well overdue for review,” says Mayor Matt Gould.
“Council began engaging with the community on this project in January-March 2022, with a number of potential heritage items nominated for further investigation,” he said.
“Preliminary notification was carried out from September to October 2023, and it was resolved by the local planning panel and council at their December 2023 meetings that the planning proposal should progress, with some revisions, to allow further investigation and assessment of each item.
“We are now at the public exhibition stage in the process, where there is further opportunity for community members to provide feedback before a final decision is made.
“For landowners and occupants of the sites that are under consideration, we are also offering an opportunity for an onsite visit by council staff and an independent heritage professional. This will help us confirm if the item matches the proposed listing information.
“Even if you made a submission to the initial nomination process, or to the preliminary notification process, we encourage landowners and occupants in particular, to put forward their view in a submission,” the mayor said.
The planning proposal includes new items and landscape conservation areas, expansion of the Picton Conservation Area and updates to some existing items.
All the proposed listings are now considered draft heritage items/heritage areas and are protected under law.
This means that heritage impact must be considered for any new development applications or works proposed on all properties affected by the planning proposal.
Visit www.yoursay.wollondilly.nsw.gov.au to find out more and provide feedback before 5pm on Thursday, March 28.
Pictured is historic homestead Jarvisfield at Antill golf course, Picton.