Hannan helps community groups win government funding

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Judy Hannan has lauded the work of community organisations in her electorate of Wollondilly.

“Since being elected I have been approached by a number of community organisations and clubs which have requested assistance for projects,’’ says the independent state MP.

“These organisations allow our community to connect, and I have been keen to work with each to ensure their good work can continue.”

Earlier this week, Ms Hannan announced that four community groups had been successful in getting funding.

They were Warradale men’s shed, HillTop memorial hall, Alpine-Aylmerton rural fire brigade and Thirlmere tennis club.

The Warradale Men’s Shed in Warragamba has received just over $256,000 for a new home.

It plans to build needs a new home on council-owned land to create a permanent location for their organisation.

“Warradale men’s shed plays a role in fostering community resilience and we need more services like it, not less,’’ says Ms Hannan.

“While the organisation has saved about $40,000 for its new shed, by today’s standard that is not enough, and I am very pleased to be able to help deliver the bulk of the funding for the new men’s shed.”

A $31,950 grant will pay for a badly needed new roof at Hill Top War memorial hall, which has been in use since the celebrations at the end of World War II.

It was constructed in 1947 by returned servicemen and community members (Ms Hannan is pictured outside the memorial hall, above).

The Alpine/Aylmerton Rural Fire Brigade, which is in need of a new mower for its station, will now be able to get one with its $6,900 grant.

This station serves as a Wingecarribee Rural Fire Service training centre, hosting regular visits from brigades in the Wingecarribee and Wollondilly areas for training.

This year the brigade celebrates its 70th anniversary.

Thirlmere Tennis Club’s grant of $3295 will go towards the purchase of a tennis ball machine as well as an AED defibrillator.

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