Restoration works under way at two flying fox camps

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Major restoration works have started at two Campbelltown locations where bats, a protected species, have set up camp.

The scientific name for the bats is grey headed flying fox and the two camps are in Farrow Road, Campbelltown and Redfern Creek in Bingara Reserve, Macquarie Fields, pictured above.

Aim of the work at is to improve bushland and vegetation in the two areas as part of Campbelltown Council’s grey headed flying fox camp management plan.

The works will see bushland restored to improve habitat for critically endangered grey headed flying foxes living at the Farrow Road site and in Redfern Creek, while helping to reduce any impacts on residents living near the colony.

The grey headed flying fox is vital to the health and regeneration of bushland across Campbelltown due to its effectiveness as a pollinator.

Because of its importance and status as a critically endangered species, it is protected under NSW and Federal Government legislation.

“These environmental works represent one of Council’s most significant investments in our local environment, ensuring that the flying foxes are protected while enhancing and beautifying an important urban bushland corridor,” says Campbelltown Mayor George Greiss.

“It will also ensure residents in the area are able to enjoy the bushland area as it is regenerated over the coming years as part of the ongoing restoration plan for Redfern Creek.”

The project at Bingara Reserve will include erosion control along the Redfern Creek line, weed removal and tree planting.

Strict controls are in place to protect the Grey Headed Flying Fox colony while the works take place.

The works are being assisted by Greening Australia.

This project is part of the Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust in association with Local Government NSW.

1 thought on “Restoration works under way at two flying fox camps”

  1. Hi, the scientific name for the Grey-headed flying-fox is Pteropus poliocephalus, a keystone species which is vital for the health of our ecosystems. There is no risk if you do not touch, any animal observed throughout the day should be reported to Sydney Wildlife’s 24 hour rescue line on 02 9413 4300 or WIRES 1300 094 737 so that a trained and vaccinated rescuer may attend.


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