Not one, not two, not three, but eight Wollondilly towns now have their own state of the art outdoor gym.
Which means Wollondillians will no longer have an excuse for not being the fittest residents in the entire outer South Western Sydney region.
Funding from the Western Parkland City Liveability Program as part of the Western Sydney City Deal has made it possible for the eight Shire towns to have their own outdoor gym equipment.
Gym equipment was installed at Bargo Sportsground, Wilton Recreation Reserve (pictured above), the Old Menangle School site, Emmett Park at Tahmoor (pictured below), Douglas Park Sportsground, Telopea Park in Buxton, Dudley Chesham Sportsground at The Oaks and Willis Park in Oakdale.
Similar exercise equipment installed at Warragamba by the Wollondilly Health Alliance means almost the entire Wollondilly local government area is covered in this area.
“We wanted to make these parks accessible to people in all parts of the Shire,’’ says Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould.
“It’s having a great impact on the community and it’s a great way to encourage active, healthy lifestyles.’’
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor also gave the project a thumbs up, saying recreational facilities such as these were critical to making the Western Parkland City a great place to live and work.
“Parks and recreational spaces are essential for making places liveable, and with locals able to enjoy the outdoors more after the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, these projects are coming at the right time,” he said.
“This is one of a number of exciting projects to promote healthy living and improve quality of life for the community under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, part of the Western Sydney City Deal,’’ chimed in state MP Nat Smith.
“Having these parks will encourage people to get out and be active in their own communities.’’
The total cost of the eight outdoor gyms was $675,000 with additional funding invested by council into the surrounding parks.