A 3,000 sqm supermarket, 13 specialty stores, a climate-controlled plaza along ground level, outdoor and indoor dining, public amenities and 200 parking spaces are included in the designs for a retail neighbourhood centre at Bingarra Gorge.
The plans have been submitted to Wollondilly Shire Council as part of a DA (development application) by Metro Property Development.
The proposed retail centre is to be centrally located within Bingarra Gorge at 30 Pembroke Parade.
Car parking and a click and collect service are located on the upper level for customer convenience and solar panels are situated above parking areas to provide shading for cars and offset energy savings.
The new precinct will be a short walk from Wilton Public School, the golf course, bus stops, playgrounds and medical centre.
More than 100 jobs will be created during construction and over 100 permanent positions.
Subject to development approval, completion is anticipated late 2024.
“The retail neighbourhood centre will create a vibrant social gathering place for the community where residents and visitors undertake shopping activities or meet friends,’’ says Jeff Atkinson, Metro project director for Bingara Gorge.
“It is centrally positioned with interconnected walking and cycle paths to first-class facilities in the area.
“Bingara Gorge is now home to over 2,000 residents,’’ Mr Atkinson said.
“When the new centre is completed, more than 4,500 people will make use of the amenity.
“The estate successfully incorporates a wide range of bespoke homes and world-class amenities, complemented by 200 hectares of open spaces featuring a Graham Marsh 18-hole golf course.
“The key objective in designing the new neighbourhood centre was to enhance the convenience retail offering of Wilton, carefully integrating with nearby facilities and homes.’’
Stephen Blaxland, managing director at BN Group, which designed the plans submitted to council, said the design allows for activation of the street edge and the creation of a socialising place at the corner of Pembroke Parade and Greenbridge Drive.
“The layered and textured external façade will sit neatly within the landscape and built environment,’’ he said.