Passionate local named Camden citizen of the year

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A passionate local who supports vulnerable women and children is the 2024 Australia Day citizen of the year in Camden.

Denise Pritchard, who received the honour at the Australia Day citizenship and awards ceremony at Camden Civic Centre, has been a member of the Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee for over 10 years, remaining proactive in its projects.

She was also heavily involved in setting up Blue Wren House – Camden Women’s Shelter, where she is a board member.

Taking out Young citizen of the year was Brydie Meredith, an inspiring teacher at Catherine Park Physie and Dance.

Beverley Batros and Garry Clarke shared the Sports achievement award.

Ms Batros has been a member of the netball club, Benkennie, since its inception in 1984.

Mr Clarke is a member of the eventing equestriad committee, where he volunteers countless hours of his time.

The Camden West Rural Fire Station won the Community group award, while Patricia Johnson won the Arts and cultural award.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Ashleigh Cagney, congratulated the winners.

“Shining a spotlight on these fantastic people in the Camden community is our absolute pleasure,” she said.

“Camden is the amazing place it is because of their tireless efforts, and I’d like to thank all of the winners, and indeed everyone who was nominated, for the contributions they make to our area.”

Pictured above are, from left, Young citizen of the year Brydie Meredith, Mayor of Camden Ashleigh Cagney and 2024 Citizen of the year Denise Pritchard.

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