New flood free bridge opens on Heathcote Road

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A new eastbound bridge on Heathcote Road over Harris Creek will open today. The new structure, which is part of the jointly funded $188 million Heathcote Road upgrade, has been built to withstand a 1 in 100-year flood event.

It’s the third of five new bridges being constructed as part of the 2.2-kilometre Heathcote Road upgrade.

“The new bridge is a key component of the upgrade and its opening will enable the construction of a parallel bridge to the west,” says MP Cameron Murphy, Labor spokesperson for the Holsworthy electorate.

“These bridges are providing additional flood resilience for this busy section of Heathcote Road which sees around 36,000 vehicles per day travelling along it.”

 Traffic was scheduled to be switched across onto the new bridge from around 5am this morning.

Once the switch has been successfully made, the old road bridge will be dismantled. This will then create the space needed to construct a new westbound structure which will significantly increase the capacity along Heathcote Road

It will be part of a scope of works that will see a change in traffic conditions between Infantry Parade, Holsworthy and The Avenue, Voyager Point.

The works being undertaken will see a reconfiguration to shift traffic lanes for the installation of traffic lights. Activities will involve utility adjustments, barrier relocation, line marking and resurfacing works. 

These works will be carried out during nightworks on the following dates, weather permitting: 

Heathcote Road between Infantry Parade and MacArthur Drive – 8pm Friday 14 February to 5am Saturday 15 February, 8pm Friday 21 February to 5am Saturday 28 February.

Heathcote Road near The Avenue: 8pm Friday 21 February to 5am Saturday 22 February, 8pm Friday 28 February to 5am Saturday 1 March.

Heathcote Road at the MacArthur Drive Intersection: 8pm Friday 28 March to 5am Saturday 29 March, 8pm Friday 7 March to 5am Saturday 8 March.

Partial lane closures and traffic control will be in place for the safety of workers and road users. 

Road users are advised to drive to the conditions and follow the direction of signs and traffic control.

For the latest traffic updates across the network, call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App. 

2 thoughts on “New flood free bridge opens on Heathcote Road”

  1. Great. However Cambridge Road has been in desperate need for one for decades. If not done already, willl this problem be addressed?


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