Dudley Chesham at The Oaks is a new all abilities play space that is exactly what the local community says it wants.
“Our community told has told us how important it is that we create fun spaces where every child, every parent, and every member of our diverse community can come together to experience the pure joy of play without limitations,’’ says Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould.
He also acknowledged that funding from the NSW public spaces legacy program made this project possible.

The play space is just one part of the master plan at Dudley Chesham Sportsground, with new multi-purpose amenities building, off leash dog areas, car parking upgrades and a skate park still to come.
Yesterday, Deanna Windle, Dudley Chesham’s daughter, joined Mayor Gould for the official opening of the all abilities play space
Judy Hannan, the Member for Wollondilly, deputy mayor Matthew Deeth, Councillors Suzy Brandstater and Hilton Gibbs, council staff and plenty of locals were in attendance for the celebration.
“It was an honour to be able to officially open Wollondilly’s fantastic new play space at Dudley Chesham Sportsground,’’ Mayor Matt Gould said.
“The facility is already being enjoyed by many of our local families, especially children.
“It’s great to see the project now complete and the kids in action.”