Labor endorses eight candidates for Camden Council

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The Labor Party has endorsed eight candidates across the three Camden wards for the council election this Saturday, September 14.

Current mayor Ashleigh Cagney is leading the Labor ticket for central ward, with Koady Williams and Tahia Khair the other two party candidates.

“My team are ready to represent the interests of central ward and the greater Camden community. We want Camden to be the best place to live, work, and play,” says Ms Cagney, who was first elected to Camden Council at the 2016 council poll.

The mother of four lives with her family in Currans Hill.

“There is no doubt Camden is a wonderful place to live, work and play but much more can still be done to ensure we remain on the right track”, says Ashleigh Cagney.

“Our plan for the next four years will be to tackle local traffic congestion and conditions; deliver cost of living relief measures, particularly through our community grants programs; ensuring our public open spaces are kept to a high standard and are future- fit; along with providing new and improved community events.”

Eliza Rahman, who lives in Oran Park, leads the Labor ticket in north ward.

“We are seeing rapid growth in our suburbs, but a shortfall in amenities and services,’’ says Ms Rahman.

“I am committed to being an advocate for residents across Camden to ensure our roads are maintained and infrastructure is fit for purpose.

In south ward, Labor’s ticket includes Damien Quinnell, the husband of Camden MP Sally Quinnell, and the secretary of the Camden Tigers football club Deniz Sabuncuoglu.

“We are a group of locals who understand the challenges and opportunities we face in Camden and want a council that represents all residents and their interests,” Mr Quinnell said.

“Our team values the importance of Camden’s heritage, particularly the historic Argyle Street and surrounds. We are committed to ensuring the ongoing success of small businesses in Camden, which make it such as cherished place to live and visit.”

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