New director wants our arts centre to be loved and respected

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Mouna Zaylah, the newly appointed director of Campbelltown arts centre wants it to be loved and respected as a contemporary arts and cultural facility.

Ms Zaylah, whose appointment was announced this afternoon, envisions the arts centre to be a place of opportunities for artists to make bold and exciting works both within and beyond its walls, embedding art in residents’ everyday experiences and reaching national and international audiences.

“I am thrilled to be taking on this role and to be working with the exceptional arts centre team. Campbelltown arts centre is recognised as a national leader, known for its contemporary artistic   programming,” Ms Zaylah said.

“I am excited to build on its positive reputation, deepen our engagement with audiences and the local community, and promote it as a major cultural destination for both locals and visitors.

“My priorities include presenting powerful and unique exhibitions, increasing engagement with emerging creative practitioners, building a strong performance and screen programs, and embedding art throughout Campbelltown in public spaces and continuing to build new audiences,’’ she said.

Ms Zaylah brings to the role previously held by Michael Dagostino more than 10 years of leadership experience, and over 30 years in the arts and cultural sector.

She was previously business and engagement manager at the arts centre, where she played a pivotal role in developing a strong education and engagement program, catering to young people and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Ms Zaylah has also played an important role in developing the public art program that has become an integral part of the revitalisation of Queen Street and has most recently led the development of the first ever Cultural Strategy – Creative Campbelltown 2024-2030.

“We are thrilled to have Mouna as the director of the arts centre. Her vision and passion align with our mission to inspire and engage our community through the arts,” says Mayor George Greiss.

“We are confident that Mouna will bring innovative and exciting new perspectives to our centre.”

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