Work will start soon on a $1 billion advanced water recycling facility in the backyard of the Macarthur region.
Sydney Water says it has received state and federal government environmental approvals for the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre.
The AWRC is a significant step forward in the sustainable development of Sydney’s Western Parkland City, which includes South Western Sydney councils such as Campbelltown, by building one of the most advanced wastewater recycling facilities in the southern hemisphere.
It will be built on a site located between Kemps and South Creek, with work expected to start in April.
Sydney Water managing director Roch Cheroux says the AWRC is a landmark investment.
“Western Parkland City has a vision for a landscape-led approach to every aspect of its development, and we want to make sure we are contributing to cool, blue-green spaces for the community to enjoy,” Mr Cheroux said.
“The AWRC uses state of the art technology to provide wastewater services and high quality recycled water for a range of reuse applications locally,” he said.
When operating at maximum capacity, the facility will treat around 70 megalitres of wastewater each day and produce high quality treated water for sustainable use in homes and businesses across western Sydney and biosolid products for use in agriculture.
“The treatment plant is an exciting step toward securing Sydney’s water future,” Mr Cheroux said.
“Our water supply is not endless; therefore, we need to take an all options approach to ensure the ongoing supply of water for drinking, cooling and greening.
“This facility will be a foundation for the circular economy in Western Sydney that will help deliver whole of community socio-economic benefits estimated to add $10 billion in value across the region.’’