New record: More than 200 residents become Australians

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Camden Council yesterday hosted its biggest citizenship ceremony in history.

A total of 204 local residents – officially the biggest number ever recorded – became Australian citizens at Camden’s first face-to-face citizenship ceremony since May 2021.

There were 163 adults and 41 children in the Camden civic centre pledging their allegiance to the greatest country in the world.

The new citizens also had the pleasure of pledging their commitment to their new country as Camden celebrated Australian citizenship day.

Mayor of Camden, Cr Therese Fedeli, said it was a special day for the new citizens and Camden Council.

“It is my pleasure to witness residents make the choice to become Australians and add to our beautiful and multicultural community and it was extra special with the history books being rewritten as well,” Cr Fedeli said.

“Our new citizens came from more than 41 different countries across the world with each of them having their own story in coming to Australia.

“I’d like to welcome and acknowledge the 204 valued members of our growing community and look forward to seeing them enjoy their lives in our beautiful area.”

Council hosted 14 virtual citizenship ceremonies this year, welcoming over 500 citizens to the Camden community.

In other Camden news, pedestrians and cyclists in Cawdor will get a new shared path.

It will be built with $1.19 million in funding from the state government.

The funding will assist council in constructing a shared path along Cawdor Rd, Cawdor between Sheathers Lane and Camden High School, and prepare a new addition of the Camden pedestrian access and mobility plan.

“Setting up a shared path in Cawdor near Camden High School is a win for the entire community,’’ says Mayor Fedeli.

The construction of the shared path along Cawdor Rd, Cawdor will be co-funded by Camden Council, under its $113.8 million covid recovery package.

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