Brainstorming set to be part of 2024 youth forum

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Participants at the 2023 youth forum pictured with the mayor and other councillors.

Locals aged 12 to 24 are encouraged to register for the Ideas, Innovation, Action Youth Forum
to be held at Greg Percival Community Hall on Wednesday, July 31.

Participants are invited to enjoy talks from guest speakers and participate in creative brainstorming sessions from 9.30am to 2pm.

“Last year’s youth forum was a great opportunity for us to connect with local youth and identify areas we could enhance and improve their experience in our LGA,” says Mayor George Greiss.

“Our Youth Plan 2024-2030 and Youth Action Team have reinforced council’s commitment to bringing these voices and perspectives directly into our policies and planning,” Cr Greiss said.

“This forum is an opportunity for us to continue these meaningful conversations and work together on the path ahead, so I strongly encourage everyone to get involved,” he said.

Participants can register to attend the Ideas, Innovation, Action Youth Forum via OverToYou on council’s website, here.


In other news, council is calling on residents to get their hands dirty by helping to plant 1000 native trees and shrubs at Milton Park, Macquarie Fields on Sunday, July 28.

This year’s National Tree Day event is once again being held at the Macquarie Fields site as part of ongoing efforts to regenerate critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland.

“More than 4500 native stems have been planted at Milton Park since the first National Tree Day event was held there in 2022 so we’re once again calling on the community to continue this fantastic effort and join us for this year’s event,” Mayor Greiss said.

“By helping to increase canopy cover in urban areas such as this, we can provide valuable habitat for local native species.’’

The planting will be held in partnership with Greening Australia as part of its Rewilding Sydney project, and funded by the NSW Government as well as the Redfern Creek Bushcare Group and local schools.

People can register to join in a one-hour session between 10am and 2pm on the day.

People attending are encouraged to wear a hat, long pants, enclosed shoes and drinking water.

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