The last meeting of Campbelltown Council was a long, long night for all concerned, including the local media representatives.
By 10pm the journos were discussing their oversight in not bringing a sleeping bag along to the meeting.
Indeed at one stage of the meeting, which was after 11pm, the discussion turned to the media table and how its three occupants were getting a bit sleepy.
Eventually it was all over and it was off into the councillors’ lounge for a midnight snack, literally, and a cup of coffee or tea or something stronger for some.
The mayor, Cr Paul Hawker, asked for everyone’s attention and had a cake brought in before everyone joined him in singing happy birthday to Cr Anoulack Chanthivong.
It was a nice touch, considering Cr Chanthivong, who has been the State Member for Macquarie Fields since March 2015, will no longer be on the council after the September 10 elections.
His birthday, by the way, was due the next day, July 20, when he turned 39.

♦ Over at Camden the council is getting ready for the big move to Oran Park Town next week.
We happened to be at Oran Park a few days ago and spied a lot of activity in and around the new council building as workers put the finishing touches to 70 Central Avenue in time for the official opening this Sunday, August 7, 12pm – 2pm.
Council’s invitation to the community promises free activities, a barbecue, building tours and entertainment.
But we couldn’t help wondering how all the council staff will cope working quite a distance from the Oran Park shops, having got used to being in the heart of the Camden town central business district over the years.
It happened in Liverpool a few years back and its staff were not happy at all to be stuck in the middle of nowhere on Hoxton Park Road.
Luckily for them the administration building burned down in 2010 and council brought everything back into the Liverpool CBD.

We can tell Camden staff that at least they will get an easy parking spot when they pop over to Oran Park Town Centre for morning tea or lunch.
Which is more than can be said for the heart of Camden, where the paving work is continuing along Argyle Street.
It’s a mess in the sense you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Fingers crossed, for the sake of local business people, it’s all done in time for the Christmas period.
♦ The mayor of Camden these past four years, Lara Symkowiak, attended the Russell Matheson and Laurie Ferguson farewell event at Campbelltowen Arts Centre last week.
Ms Symkowiak very graciously answered some of our questions to her about the pace of development in Camden and, as well, her chances of being mayor for another four years after the September 10 council elections. Very interesting answers.
♦ After our very popular feature on local artist Celeste Wrona a few weeks back, we can tell you to get ready for a story on another successful artist, whose works are about to be exhibited in Europe.
It’s hush hush for now but we can reveal that this Campbelltown artist’s works will be hanging alongside those by some of the greats of the artistic world, including Salvador Dali.
Yes, that good, so watch this space.
♦ Speaking of artists, we received a lovely note from radio presenter, poet and entertainer Trevar Langlands, who was featured in the Voice in Macarthur yesterday.
“Many thanks , article is terrific, really great, several have read it and told me how good they thought it was,’’ wrote Trevar, who has just been re-elected president of the Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAW) for the 16th year in a row.
But there was more:
“I was invited to the Ukrainian Community Centre on Saturday for book launch by a 96 year old, a life member of our FAW and I was honoured to address the audience and to meet the lady who came from the Ukraine in 1949.’’
Thank you, Trevar.