There’s no reason to rush into building the proposed intermodal at Moorebank now that the launch of new key infrastructure at Sydney Freight Terminal (SFT) Chullora will double the site’s capacity to handle freight movements, says Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun.
The new SFT infrastructure – two $30 million rail mounted gantry cranes – was launched earlier today by NSW Premier Mike Baird and provides the capacity for the SFT to operate as both an interstate intermodal rail terminal and an import-export terminal through its rail links to Port Botany.
“We welcome the launch today of the new infrastructure at the Sydney Freight Terminal at Chullora and note that it will double the current capacity of the facility from 300,000 to 600,000 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) each year, which means it can easily service the projected growth in the NSW market,” Mayor Mannoun said. “In addition to the increased capacity, it’s also in the right location to service demand now and into the future.
“In light of the greater capacity at SFT, surely there can be no justifiable reason for decision makers to rush into approving the intermodal at nearby Moorebank.
“We know that planning and transport strategies for NSW are being rethought across the board in light of the game changing Badgerys Creek airport announcement, and the intermodal should be no different.
“There’s now time to properly consider the new airport as the right location, where it can be a true intermodal for road, rail and air and be positioned to handle the future growth and freight requirements in South West Sydney.
“The increased capacity at Chullora announced today is just another example of why with each passing day it makes less and less sense to build the intermodal at Moorebank.
“We have an unprecedented opportunity to make the right decision for NSW’s future – and that’s to locate the intermodal at the new airport at Badgerys Creek,” Mayor Mannoun, pictured, said.
Liverpool City Council is receiving strong support from the community who have provided thousands of submissions in opposition to the Moorebank Intermodal option, supported by local members Craig Kelly, Member for Hughes and Melanie Gibbons, Member for Menai.
Once again, Ned Mannoun has hit the nail on the head. A decision that will impact air quality, traffic and the natural environment for a century should never be made in a hasty way.
If there’s no urgent need, a long term impact and a better alternative on the table, it would be insane not to carefully decide which is the best option rather than just taking the expedient option and leaving the consequences to be dealt with in coming years and by future generations.
Thank you, Andrew, I am sure most local residents would agree with you.
I totally agree with our Mayor. It is absolute madness to even consider building an Intermodel in such a densely populated area in the first place. I am fearful of the air quality if it goes ahead and there are bound to be more serious accidents with the increased number of trucks on our already crowded roads.